In an article posted this morning (and then very quickly taken down*), the Denver Post announced that Vail Resorts is cutting the price of their Epic Passes by 20% for next season, but prices for day tickets will not decrease. This continues and even strengthens Vail’s strategy of enticing skiers and riders to commit to purchasing early and dissuading people from purchasing lift tickets for a single day . Last year, Vail sold 1.4 million Epic Passes, and with this price drop, that number is sure to increase significantly.
In New England, Vail owns and operates Stowe, Okemo, Mount Snow, Attitash, Wildcat, Crotched, Sunapee, plus several mountains in neighboring states and many more out west.
Here is a recovered link to the article that was removed. What do you think? Is this a good or bad thing for the ski industry in New England?
*We believe this was quickly taken down because Vail delayed the announcement of their Epic Pass prices until Wednesday, 3/23 however the Denver Post likely forgot to delay the posting of their article.
As a family of 4 it is a good thing, as a skier, it will be a disaster. Especially if they refuse to fix infrastructure at the New England mountains.